"Seussical" is a musical by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty based on the books of Dr. Seuss (mainly "Horton Hears a Who!", "Horton Hatches the Egg" and " The One Feather Tail of Gertrude McFuzz") that debuted on Broadway in 2000.
We are currently holding auditions to fill remaining roles for our upcoming production of "Seussical". We are looking to cast two male performers as WICKERSHAM BROTHERS. We are looking for men with strong harmony singing abilities who are good movers.
Performances will take place at the Randolph Theatre from August 30th - September 21st (Saturday and Sunday performances only - show times are at 11:00am and 1:00pm).
Submission Instructions:
Auditions are to be scheduled on an individual basis. To submit please email auditions@lowerossingtontheatre.com with SEUSSICAL in the subject line with a headshot and resume attached. Rehearsals to begin immediately after casting. There is an honorarium associated with these roles.
The Wickersham Brothers (x2) are the henchmen for the Sour Kangaroo. They put on a macho, intimidating pose to impress and intimidate lesser beings.
The Lower Ossington Theatre is focused on creating opportunities for young performers, many of whom are recent graduates of top university & college theatre programs across Canada. The aim of the LOT is to be the next step for young professionals graduating or continuing in theatre schools. We aim to bridge the gap by providing recent graduates and other young artists with opportunities to build their resumes and to continue their theatrical education by working with professional directors, designers, choreographers and artists in a professional theatrical environment within Toronto’s theatre community. Lower Ossington Theatre offers young performers with the opportunity to be a part of a theatre company that consistently and prolifically produces fun, exciting, diverse, and challenging theatre.