Seeking – Experienced female actor, a youngish 40, for a character 20 years post traumatic brain injury with difficulty walking. DISABLED ACTOR PREFERRED. Comedic timing, honed verbal fencing skill and ability to play a character with a dry, sardonic, biting wit and rapier-like tongue (ala Dorothy Parker) required.
We are assembling a company for "Theatre on the Air." Male and female actors with disabilities encouraged to contact the producers now for future productions.
Performance Dates – Live: September 14 and 20. Taped for broadcast.
Rehearsal Schedule – Individual readings and table read in June/early July with rehearsals September 10-12, 2014.
Show Pay – This production is a non-profit benefit for Disabled American Veterans. Payment via an 501©3 IRS in-kind donation letter.
Auditions – Please send resume and head shot to:
Auditions will be held by appointment on West 22nd Street, NYC.
Friends suggesting friends always appreciated.