Looking to spend your summer in one of the most beautiful places on earth performing on the famous Playmill stage?
We're looking for men and women ages 18 and up to audition to be in the Playmill 2020 Cast. Players must be available full-time from April 26 - August 29, and September 3-5, 2020. Positions are paid. Housing will be provided.
We are also looking for young boys ages 8-16 to audition for the roles of Young Tarzan and Young Terk in Disney's Tarzan. Roles will be paid. Housing will not be provided, so performers will need their own accommodations. Performers will only be expected to attend on nights Tarzan is performing. Roles may be double-cast.
Audition Instructions
This year, all preliminary auditions will be collected through video only. The audition video should include:
1. A slate telling your name and what you will performing
2. 32 measures (or approximately one minute) each of (1) an 80s power ballad and (2) a golden age musical song, accompanied by either an accompanist or a minus track
3. An optional, one-minute comedic monologue
Videos should be uploaded to YouTube as an Unlisted video. Afterward, please fill out the indicated audition application below. There will be a spot towards the end of the form allowing you to paste the link to your YouTube video audition. Applications will be accepted from December 1 - February 8.
Callbacks are by invitation only and will be held in person in Rexburg, ID, and Provo, UT, on two separate weekends in February. Those who submit audition forms should watch their e-mails for the next several weeks for further instruction and notices. Those cast will be expected to attend one mandatory pre-season meeting in Rigby, Idaho. The meeting will be held on a Sunday in March.
Lighting & Sound Technician Application Information
We are also looking for lighting and sound technicians to join our 2020 cast. Positions are paid and housing is provided. To view job specifications for technical positions, click
here. To apply for one of these roles, please fill out the tech application below. Further interviews may be held via video chat, or in person during one of our callback weekends.
If you have any questions, please contact miriam@playmill.com.
Good Luck!