Mrs. Maslow's Boarding House, May 28-29
The Vagabond Players seeks actors to audition for the world premiere of Cheryl Adam's new screwball comedy, Mrs. Maslow's Boarding House, directed by George Andre Tittle. This play is the Vagabonds' production in the 33rd Annual Baltimore Playwrights Festival.
Play Synopsis
Jilted, jobless, and homeless, Meredith Maslow flees Manhattan for her grandmother’s house in Baltimore, only to discover that the sprawling Mt. Vernon home is no longer a placid retreat. Grandma Maslow, left penniless when widowed, has converted her home into a boardinghouse for a motley crew of lost souls and outcasts. But tough economic times once again have Mrs. Maslow on the brink of bankruptcy. The fun begins when Meredith and the boarders cook up an outrageous scheme to set things right.
This is a NON-EQUITY show. Actors will NOT be paid for their work.
Performance Dates & Times
Friday, Saturday, & Sundays - July 25th-August 10th.
8:00 P.M. Fridays & Saturdays; 2:00 P.M. Sundays
Audition Dates, Times, & Location
Wednesday & Thursday, May 28th and 29th, 7:00-9:00 P.M. No appointments are necessary. For more information, e-mail Director George Andre Tittle at
The Vagabond Theatre
806 S. Broadway (in historic Fells Point)
Baltimore MD 21231
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