Monday, April 22, 2019
Kids Auditions for Jane and Michael: Sign-In: 5:45pm; Auditions 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Adult Auditions: Principals & Ensemble: Sign-In: 6:30pm; Auditions 7:00pm - 10:30pm
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
CALLBACKS by invitation only; 6:30pm - 10:30pm
Director: Christopher J. Walker Musical Director: Graham Jackson Choreographer: Rikki Lugo
Please bring your head shot and resume.
Principal Audition:
Please prepare 16 - 32 bars of a song from a musical (stage or film) that shows your range.
Be sure to bring sheet music with you in the appropriate key. An accompanist will be provided
(NO CDs, please). Be prepared to dance.
Music Audition:
Prepare 16-32 bars of a song from a musical (stage or film) that shows your range.
Be sure to bring sheet music with you in the appropriate key.
An accompanist will be provided (NO CDs, please)
Dance Audition:
Wear movement friendly clothing. A dance combination will be taught at the audition.
You DO NOT need to prepare a dance routine of your own.
Audition Location:
The Taylor Performing Arts Center - 845 West Colorado Boulevard Monrovia CA 91016
PERFORMANCE DATES: JULY 11, 12, 13, 14, 2019
Please Note: Everyone at the auditions will sing first then dance if needed.
Small stipends will be available for most roles.
Please visit our website for a character breakdown with details on each role.
For additional information on auditions:
please email Jackie Guerrero at