The Des Moines Community Playhouse is presenting Legally Blonde: The Musical, based on the popular movie, July 12-Aug. 4. Legally Blonde contains roles for a chihuahua and a bulldog. Interested dog owners should send photographs of their dog to The top three dogs in each breed will be called in for an audition with the actor handling the dog. Photographs must be received by June 7. Questions should be directed to Robin Spahr,
Legally Blonde contains roles for a light brown short hair chihuahua and a bulldog. The chihuahua should be able to run to a spot onstage. It would be desired but not essential for the dog to bark on command. The bulldog should be able to run to a spot onstage.
OMG! Elle Woods' life is turned upside down. Instead of a wedding proposal, her boyfriend dumps her. Determined to get him back, Elle follows him East and charms her way into Harvard Law. Celebrate girl power with this ridiculously enjoyable musical based on the 2001 movie. Legally Blonde is directed by Ron Ziegler, with music direction by Brenton Brown and choreography by Alison Shafer.
The Playhouse is Iowa's oldest and largest producing theatre. Located at the 42nd Street exit of I-235, the theatre has presented a full season of shows since 1919 and also offers a wide variety of educational experiences including classes for ages 4 to adult, theatre trips to New York, and volunteer opportunities onstage and backstage.
For up-to-date audition information and general guidelines, visit the Playhouse website at or contact the Playhouse at