The Popcorn Hat Player’s Young Acting Company is now auditioning for its February 21, 2015 production of Journey to the West adapted by Sean Adams. Journey to the West is a classic Chinese tale about a Buddhist monk’s adventure from China westward to India. This production will feature singing, dancing, staged combat, and the comedy the Popcorn Hat Players are known for. Auditions will be held at Gamut Classic Theatre November 15 from 12:30-2 p.m. for ages six and seven, and November 22 from 1-3 p.m. for ages eight through eighteen. No acting experience is necessary, however, auditions must be scheduled in advance. This is the 6th year for the Young Acting Company which began in 2010 with Snow White. Over the years these productions give young actors the amazing opportunity to gain experience working on a professional theatrical production while showcasing their own talents, and of course having fun.
To schedule an audition, parents should contact Tara Herweg at
(717) 238-4111 or (mailto: , interviews with the Playwright and Director are available upon request.
Our mailing address is:
Gamut Theatre Group
605 Strawberry Square
Third Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101