Exact Dates: December 3,10 Both performances at 7pm.
Through the eyes of a strong-willed woman comes the remarkable true story of Irena Gut Opdyke and the triumphs of the human spirit over devastating tragedy. 19-year-old Irena Gut is promoted to housekeeper in the home of a highly respected Nazi officer when she finds out that the Jewish ghetto is about to be liquidated. Determined to help twelve Jewish workers, she decides to shelter them in the safest place she can think of: the basement of the German commander's house. Over the next two years, Irena uses her wit, humor, and courage to hide her friends until the end of the German occupation, concealing them in the midst of countless Nazi parties, a blackmail scheme, and even the birth of a child. Her story is one of the most inspiring of our time.
AUDITION DETAILS: September 29 @ 6pm
AUDITION DETAILS: Sunday,September 29 at 6:00pm at Centre Stage. Bring headshot and resume and be prepared to read sides from script. Scripts available for checkout at Centre Stage box office for $10 deposit (refunded at return). Email
auditions@centrestage.org for sign up.
Irena: A Tiny Woman, early 70’s, blond hair vibrant ,vivacious, look of a European beauty queen.
Rugemer: German Commandant, early 60’s, not a Nazi. Friend of Rokita
Sturmbannfuher Rokita: A SS Officer, devastatingly handsome, every inch a Nazi, Friend of Rugemer
Herr Schultz: Supervisor, kind gentleman
Lazar Haller: a man in his 30’s
Ida Haller: a woman in her 30’s
Fanka Silberman: a young girl of 20
Helen Weinbaum
Roman: a handsome man of around 40