"In Lieu of Flowers" is a tender drama about what happens after the death of Lou Flowers, the popular owner of a successful truck stop, The Chatterbox Cafe. Lou was loved and mourned by his employees and friends, but those he left behind are finding out that they did not know him as well as they thought. Who was the woman who appeared at Lou's funeral -- and then in his will? This is a wonderful story of love and loss -- of touching memories and wonderful second chances.
Where: West Allis Central Auditorium, 8516 West Lincoln Avenue.
Some of the roles have been cast from the workshop of "In Lieu of Flowers."
Needed: One man (late 20s-late 30s) and one woman (late 20s-late 30s). Men are also needed for minimal line parts and women and men are also needed as non-speaking extras.