Title: HAIR the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
Book and Lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni
Music by Galt MacDermot
Director: Benjamin Alicea
Assistant Director: Natasha Reese
Musical Director: Gabby Maldanado
Run: August 28th - September 20th
Thursdays at 8 pm, Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 4pm and 8pm, Sundays at 4pm
Audition Dates: Monday, June 16th and Tuesday, June 17th at 7pm-9pm *Open Call. 9-11pm *Dance Call
Call Backs: Wednesday, June 18th at 7pm for those invited
Rehearsal:Introductions and First Read-Through, Saturday June 28 at 11am-4:30. Rehearsals start Monday (June 30) -Thursday at 8pm to 11pm and Saturday 11am-4:30 pm
Audition Requirements:
*Must be 18+ for all roles
*Headshot and Resume
*Prepare 16-32 bars of a Contemporary Musical Theater piece, Pop or Rock song that shows vocal range.
*Be prepared to dance on ALL days
Hair tells the story of the tribe, a group of politically active, long-haired hippies of the Age of Aquarius living a bohemian life in New York City and fighting against conscription into the Vietnam War. Claude, his good friend Berger, their roommate Sheila and their friends struggle to balance their young lives, loves and the sexual revolution with their rebellion against the war and their conservative parents and society. Ultimately, Claude must decide whether to resist the draft as his friends have done, or to succumb to the pressures of his parents (and conservative America) to serve in Vietnam, compromising his pacifistic principles and risking his life.
Casting the Following Roles:
Claude (Rock Baritone/Tenor, late teens to mid twenties)
Strong actor. Smart, attractive male, with a playful side; a lover of life. In love with Sheila. Berger's best friend, his prize procession is his hair. A charismatic leader that women adore, boys emulate and men will follow. A man of conscience who struggles with the conflict of what his heart tells him is right and what the authorities around him lead him to believe. *Nudity optional
George Berger ( Rock Baritone/Tenor, late teens to mid twenties)
A social activist recently banished from high school. An unrestrained animal. A Oklahoma native. He knows what is right and sticks to it no matter the consequence. The leader of the tribe. High energy, athletic, wild. Strong presence and, though he may be a young man, he is looked up to. *Must be willing to appear nude.
Sheila (Rock Alto/Belter, late teens to mid twenties)
A second semester student and passionate protester from NYU who lives with Berger and Claude, aspires to spread love, loves Berger. The most intelligent of the tribe. Wants to change society through peaceful protest. Not necessarily perfect on the outside, but must have a strong voice and presence. *Must be willing to appear nude
Jeanie (Alto, late teens to mid twenties)
A follower, not a leader. Incredibly sweet, understands Claude better than anyone. Wise, passionate, creative woman, who is pregnant with the tribe's baby. She has taken every drug, and takes care of the tribe. Strong actress to play comedic and dramatic scenes.
Crissy (Mezzo, late teens to mid twenties)
a flower child mourning a lost love - The youngest female of the tribe. Sings Frank Mills. *Must be willing to appear nude
Dionne (Alto/Mezzo Belt, late teens to mid twenties, African-American)
Sassy and lots of fun. Great with comedy and ad-lib vocals. *Nudity optional
Hud (Soul/Rock Baritone/Tenor, late teens to mid twenties, African-American)
Speaks his mind and hopes you can keep up with him. High energy, spiritual performer with a strong voice and presence. *Must be willing to appear nude
Woof ( Rock Baritone/Tenor, late teens to mid twenties)
May not want to admit it but he is gay. A young animal. High energy, versatile performer. Must be a natural with comedy. Looks up to Berger and Mick Jagger...in many ways. *Must be willing to appear nude
Ensemble: Energetic, creative performers with heart and passion. 3-5 Females to sing, Black Boys and White Boys and play various characters. 3-4 Males to play various characters. *Nudity optional |