Casting Frost/Nixon, a play by Peter Morgan. Synopsis: British talk show host David Frost is on his way out. Richard Nixon just resigned the U.S. presidency after Vietnam and the Watergate scandal. It’s Frost’s mission to resurrect his career by extracting an apology from the former President in a series of in-depth interviews. However, Nixon is equally determined to redeem himself in the eyes of the nation. Who knew this would become the interview that sealed a president’s legacy?
Thursday November 7th - 7-10 PM
Sunday November 10th - 6-9 PM
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
21 Normandy Heights Rd.
Morristown, NJ
Rehearses Sundays (afternoons/evenings TBD) and Wednesdays (evenings) from Nov.-Jan. 2020; runs Feb. 22, 23, 29, and Mar. 1 at the Morristown United Unitarian Fellowship, 21 Normandy Heights Rd., Morristown, NJ.