Open Call Auditions For Elmo Rocks! at Busch Gardens Tampa
Auditions held Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Seeking Costumed Character Performers & Female Singer/Dancers
For more information and to apply online in advance of your audition visit
All performers must bring a current headshot and resume to the audition. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your audition time to fill out paperwork. It is very important to be on time, as late arrivals will not be permitted to audition.
Seeking energetic and powerful female singers with contemporary pop/rock styles.
Applicants must be able to perform multiple high energy shows each day
Must be able to move well
Please prepare 32 bars of a contemporary pop/rock piece. Bring a CD, mp3 player or sheet music in your key. A cappella singing will not be permitted.
Costume Characters
Must be between 4’10” and 6’2”.
Must be able to stand for up to 2 hours at a time.
Must be able to carry the weight of a full costume character for up to 1 hour at a time.
Will need to withstand the Florida summer weather while in costume.
Should be able to follow simple dance movements.
Performance experience a plus but not required.
You will be asked to learn a dance combo and participate in improv and athletic stamina exercises.