The Albany Theatre is delighted to invite established performers, professional actors, and budding entertainers to audition to be a part of the main cast and ensemble for Dick Whittington presented by Albany Productions opening on December 30th 2021.
AGE 18 + AUDITIONS: Wednesday 1st September & Sunday 5th September for over 18’s who wish to audition for main parts detailed below and for those who would like to be part of the ensemble.
AGE 9 – 17 AUDITIONS: We will be holding auditions for children and teenagers (who are aged 9 by 1st September through to age 17) on Sunday 12th September.
The well-loved, panto classic, Dick Whittington will be the very first pantomime created at The Albany Theatre under the in-house producing company name Albany Productions. The team at the theatre is pleased to have the opportunity to do what they do best and get creating live theatre once again, all they need now is you!
Pantomimes don’t just make themselves (oh no they don’t!), a production team has been recruited for the show to ensure a spectacular and successful run. In the director’s chair is Karen Staton, Choreography by Katie Gavin, Millie Morris fills the shoes of Dance Captain and Cate Mellor is Musical Director.
The team is excited to announce that they will now be holding workshops and auditions for Dick Whittington on Wednesday 1st September and Sunday 5th September for over 18’s who wish to audition for main parts and for those who would like to be part of the ensemble. They are also inviting children and teenagers aged between 9 and 17 on Sunday 12th September who would like to audition as part of the ensemble.
For further information regarding audition times, venue information, and to obtain audition pieces, please
click here to register your interest and complete a registration form.
Characters available for audition:
Dick Whittington (female)
Alderman Fitzwarren
Fairy Bow Bells
King Rat
Sarah (Dame)
Idle Jack
1st Lieutenant
Additional information for Dick Whittington will be announced very soon, please keep an eye out for updates on the
Albany’s website and on social media.
Ends: 363 words | Image caption: Dick Whittington – The Albany Theatre, December 2021 - January 2022.
For further information including images, please contact: Jodie Dickson, Communications Coordinator -
@TheAlbanyTheatre | Twitter:
@albanytheatre | Instagram:
@albanytheatre | YouTube:
Albany Theatre