Lizard Creative Productions will be holding virtual auditions nationwide for a zoom show coming up the end of October. The show will be live streaming via zoom on a Saturday night @ 10:00pm est.
We are seeking male talent with a good look and personality, with or without on camera experience. Do you have a problem finding shoes or sneakers to fit your feet? You should be very uninhibited talking about and showing your feet on camera in socks and without. Each model will be compensated for their appearance $100.00 the same night after his performance.
Requirements to submit are to be at least 22 y/o or older. Tall to very tall in height, or average height with a very large shoe size is acceptable since you will be sitting most of the performance. Wear a shoe size of 13 or more. Well groomed feet a must. Good hands, well manicured preferred, but not necessary. Must possess an outgoing personality. Must be able to write or come up with a good story to hold the audiences attention. Should be able to bring in a few friends to watch their performances live on zoom. The performance is scheduled to air on October 17th & October 24th. You will be scheduled for one evening only of the two, but may be asked to come back.
Submit all headshots or a recent clear photo of yourself. You may include a photo of your feet if you prefer. A note of interest is a must! Please send all materials to in the subject line please put Enormous Feet Casting.