Auditions for Stephen Schwartz musical CHILDREN OF EDEN
Children of Eden a musical by Stephen Schwartz. Tells the stories of Adam and Eve and Noah.
Auditions for ages 6 and up. Please prepare an age appropriate song. Audition dates:
March 8, 3-5pm (ages6-15only)
March 10 & 11 6-9pm
Central Christian Church in New Albany
All types are needed for this production! And no part is a small part- it is a very large show!! There are some solo parts available for all ages.
To audition, please prepare an age appropriate song. From the show is preferred but not necessary.
Any questions please feel free to let me know. I am willing to work around most reasonable conflicts :)
Children of Eden is a joyous and inspirational musical about parents, children and faith... not to mention centuries of unresolved family business! Based on the story of Genesis from the Bible, it is an epic, heartfelt musical which boasts a multigenerational cast and an expansive score. Adam, Eve, Noah and the Father who created them deal with the headstrong, cataclysmic actions of their respective children. The show ultimately delivers a bittersweet but earnest message: that the hardest part of love... is letting go.