November 13 auditions and December 4 call backs - Billy Elliot-Center Stage
Evergreen Chorale will be holding auditions for Billy Elliot at Center Stage, Evergreen, on Sunday, November 13 starting at 4:00 pm with call backs on Sunday, December 4 starting at 4:00 pm. This show will be directed by Pat Payne. General rehearsals for this show will start on January 5. Rehearsals are held Mon-Thu evenings, 7-10 pm and Saturday mornings. The show will run on weekends from February 24, 2017-March 12, 2017.
We are auditioning all parts, EXCEPT BILLY AND MICHAEL non-equity. Please prepare 32 bars of a musical theater selection – no songs a capella, no sound tracks. We provide a pianist. Please bring a copy of your music, head shot, resume and audition form. Dance, slides and music from the show for call backs only. Please email Laura Miller at for an audition time.
Center Stage is approximately a 15 minute drive from Denver West via I 70, or via Morrison Road or 285 from C470.