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Please come with a prepared monologue (either comedic or dramatic) 60 to 90 seconds.
If you are auditioning for the role of Margaret, be prepared to read Margaret’s monologue available in the link below. You do not need to memorize Margaret’s monologue.
Be sure to read the synopsis of the play before the audition (also available on the website).
Those who are cast will need to be able to perform with a Southie (Southern Boston) dialect except for Kate.
Those who are cast will be compensated.
Margaret (nickname Margie with a hard g): white, about 50. She has lived a hard life but tends to see the best in people.
Stevie: White, mid to late 20’s. A hard worker who is doing the best he can. …and he likes to play bingo, but he is NOT gay?
Dottie: White, late 60’s, or 70’s, or maybe 80. If she were your best buddy’s grandmother, you would adore her. If she were your grandmother, not so much!
Jean: White, about 50. One tough cookie. You would want her as your friend because you sure do not want her as your enemy.
Mike: White, about 50. He escaped the cycle of poverty and became a medical doctor. He is the boy who got away in more ways than one.
Kate: African American, early 30’s. A sophisticated lady born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
All actors except Kate must be able to perform with a Southie (South Boston) dialect.