The Fireside Dinner Theatre is looking for energetic, motivated girls - age 7 - 14; no taller than 5’3” - who can sing and move and act for their production of ANNIE. In addition to Annie there will be two casts of 6 orphans each who will alternate the performances.
The show begins rehearsals on July 1, 2019 and runs from July 18 - September 1. Auditions will be held on Wednesday, May 8th at 6:00 p.m. at The Fireside, 1131 Janesville Avenue, Fort Atkinson, WI. Auditioners should be prompt as latecomers will not be seen.
All auditioners should prepare a short song and should bring their own sheet music. An accompanist will be provided. Auditioners should also bring a current photo that will not be returned. All roles are paid. Any further information will be provided at the audition.