Imagination Theater is pleased to announce an upcoming workshop, “How to Audition” on Saturday, April 6th from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The workshop will include topics including: audition skills, stage etiquette, preparing a monologue, cold script reading tips, improvisation, preparing songs, and more. The workshop is for adults and children ages 10+. The auditions will help one prepare for IT auditions scheduled for 2013: Les Miserables (Auditions April 9, 13, 14, 15, 16), Deathtrap (Audition June 22), and You Can’t Take It With You (Audition October 5). This workshop is free and will be held at Imagination Theater, located on the El Dorado County Fairgrounds. No RSVP is necessary. More information about auditions are available on the theater website (, blog, and Facebook page, or by calling the box office at 530-642-0404. Imagination Theater brings quality, live, local community theater toPlacerville and El Dorado County.