Emmy Award Winning RWS Entertainment Group is seeking singer/actors and dancers for an original musical production “A Music Box Christmas: The Littlest Tree” to be performed as a part of Hersheypark Christmas Candylane this holiday season.
Producing Company: RWS Entertainment Group
Franklyn Warfield, Sr. Casting Director
Open Calls for Principal Roles (Non-Union) will be held Monday, September 9, 2019 at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Avenue, 3rd Floor, NYC. Female Singer/Actor/Movers for Dawn and Kitty at 10am and Male Singer/Actor/Movers for Carl and Max at 2pm.
Open Call for Ensemble Dancers (Non-Union) will be held Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Avenue, 3rd Floor, NYC. Male and Female Dancers at 10am.
Callbacks for Principals will be held in the afternoon on Tuesday, September 10, 2019.
Rehearsals start October 31, 2019 in Hershey, PA and shows run November 15, 2019 through January 1, 2020 at the Music Box Theater. Christmas Candylane Operating Schedule:
$535/week. Housing provided. Non-Union.
All performers must be 18 years of age or older to be hired by Hersheypark Entertainment.
Seeking the following roles:
CARL: Any ethnicity. Tenor. He’s new to the Christmas Tree Farm and in love with his little tree named Douglas. Sincere and hopeful. Sees the potential in everything and everyone even when others don’t. Must move well.
DAWN: Any ethnicity. Character belt. She’s the best Christmas Tree decorator. Very bossy and Type A but has good intentions at heart. Must have great comedic timing. Must move well.
KITTY: Any ethnicity. Sweet, “Disney Princess” voice with a surprising breakout belt. She’s a free spirit, Hippie-like elf who likes to decorate her trees with a forest vibe. Talks to animals and loves disco. Will double as Max’s assistant Cinnamon — a “Barker’s Beauty” type from The Price Is Right. Must move extremely well.
MAX: Any ethnicity. Bari-tenor. He’s a slick salesman who loves to make a deal with the customers. Must move extremely well.
MALE & FEMALE DANCERS: Any ethnicity. Energetic dancers with lean, toned physiques who are technically trained in musical theatre jazz. Must have a strong stage presence and be able to portray various characters throughout the show from elves to puppeteers to shoppers. Certain tracks will require some singing and acting abilities. Must be able to partner and lift.
SANTA: Any ethnicity. Featured member of the male ensemble to physicalize the big man himself. Will “lip sync” to recorded Santa voiceover while in full costume.
Principal Roles: Prepare 16 bars of an uptempo pop/rock or holiday song showing range and personality. Have a standard or holiday ballad ready as a second selection. Bring sheet music in correct key; accompanist will be provided. Bring headshot and resume stapled together. You may be called back to move later the same day; bring dance clothes/shoes.
Dancers: Be prepared to learn several dance combinations. Bring form-fitting dance attire, headshot and resume stapled together. Women bring character heels and flats. Men bring character shoes, sneakers, and/or jazz shoes. You may be called back to sing and/or read later the same day.
For more information, please visit www.rwsnyc.com.