Once On This Island is a captivating musical based on the novel "My Love, My Love" and a vibrant reimagining of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, The Little Mermaid. Set in the lush Caribbean Antilles, it follows the story of Ti Moune, a peasant girl with a fierce spirit and a heart full of love.
When she falls for Daniel, a wealthy and handsome man from the other side of the island, Ti Moune makes a risky deal with the gods. She sacrifices her voice in exchange for three days as a human to win Daniel's affection. Navigating the challenges of this new world and the class divide separating them, Ti Moune's unwavering love and determination face a series of trials.
The musical features a beautiful score that blends Caribbean rhythms with pop and gospel influences, creating a unique and evocative soundscape. The story explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of faith, with a touch of magical realism woven into the narrative. Once On This Island will leave you humming the tunes, touched by Ti Moune's bravery, and pondering the complexities of love and social barriers.
Year | Category | |
1991 | Best Musical | |
2018 | Best Revival of a Musical | Winner |
Patti LuPone: A Life in Notes
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (2/2 - 2/2) | ||
Ladies of Laughter
Bergen PAC (2/3 - 2/3) | ||
The New Jersey Symphony Chamber Players
Sieminski Theater (3/2 - 3/2) | ||
Brahms and Chopin
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (2/20 - 2/20) | ||
Cuentos del Arbol
Pushcart Players (9/29 - 6/30) | ||
Season Finale: Rachmaninoff and Shostakovich
Mayo Performing Arts Center (6/5 - 6/5) | ||
2x2 by Broadway an evening of duets
players Guild of Leonia (2/14 - 2/16) | ||
Holst’s The Planets—An HD Odyssey
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Directed by Diane L. Parker
Kelsey Theatre at Mercer County Community College (2/14 - 2/23) | ||
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