"American Idiot" is a rock musical that follows the story of three friends, Johnny (Finn Behrens), Will (Matt Rodriguez), and Tunny (Robert Stevens Jr.), who are searching for meaning in a post-9/11 world. Disillusioned by their suburban lifestyle, they each take different paths in an attempt to escape their mundane lives. Johnny falls into a drug-fueled romance with his dream girl Whatsername (Cecelia Mielnicki): The elusive rebel who captures Johnny's heart with her free spirit and strength, personifying the unforgettable past that slips from his grasp. Tunny, depressed and longing for purpose in life sees a TV ad to enlist in the army, the general also known as Favorite Son (Mike Vriesema) is a charismatic and clean-cut individual, Favorite Son is a representation of the 'ideal' American figure, embodying success, patriotism, and the traditional values often celebrated by society, Favorite Son persuades Tunny to leave his friend and enlist, in the midst of war he gets shot in the leg and meets a nurse known as the Extraordinary Girl (Carolina Hunchak): A symbol of hope and healing in Tunny's tumultuous journey, she's a dreamlike vision of love amidst the chaos of war. Will gets stuck at home to work out his relationship with his pregnant girlfriend Heather (Alexis Ciardella): A young woman facing the complexities of adulthood and motherhood, whose journey reflects the struggle between personal dreams and harsh realities. Along the way Johnny encounters a character by the name of St. Jimmy (Kevin Maphis): A charismatic and enigmatic figure, St. Jimmy is the embodiment of rebellion, danger, and the seductive allure of the punk rock lifestyle. He's a catalyst for change in Johnny's life, pushing him towards anarchy and self-discovery. Rounding off the cast is a stellar ensemble featuring Aaron Hancock, Cat Gallagher, Charlie Valdez, Dana Daddio, Joe Denny, Julie Raccanova, Loretta Carlen, Marc Cruz, Patrick Comey, Richie Limbacher, Rita Carfi, and Alex Marciniak. The musical directed by Erin Miller, music directed by Christopher Vehmas, and choreographed by Victoria Marino & Alex Marciniak is set to the music of Green Day's album of the same name, it's a raw and electrifying exploration of the challenges of coming of age in chaotic times.
Year | Category | |
2010 | Best Musical |
Patti LuPone: A Life in Notes
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (2/2 - 2/2) | ||
Ladies of Laughter
Bergen PAC (2/3 - 2/3) | ||
Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Concert
Count Basie Center for the Arts (4/9 - 4/9) | ||
Celia Vive - A Musical Tribute to Celia Cruz
State Theatre New Jersey (2/8 - 2/8) | ||
Anything Goes!
Sieminski Theater (3/29 - 4/6) | ||
Discover Mozart & Bach
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (5/17 - 5/17) | ||
Madama Butterfly
Sieminski Theater at the Cultural Arts Center of Fellowship Village (2/8 - 2/9) | ||
the ripple the wave that carried me home
Luna Stage (5/1 - 5/25) | ||
Invitation to Vienna
Sieminski Theater (2/23 - 2/23) | ||
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