Mamma Mia! The Party has officially premiered at the Schiecentrale in Rotterdam and has already been extended for an additional ten weeks due to high demand. The cast, featuring Horace Cohen, Wieneke Remmers, Kaj van der Voort, Jeannine La Rose, and Belle Zimmerman, brings to life a vibrant story set on the Greek island of Skopelos, where family dynamics unfold over food and song. With an interactive experience, the ensemble entertains both on stage and among the audience, culminating in a lively afterparty.
Mamma Mia! The Party
Schiecentrale (10/4 - 4/15) | ||
Wyrd Sisters
Polanentheater (1/30 - 2/2) | ||
Once Upon a Mattress
Happily Ever After Productions (3/20 - 3/30) | ||
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Theater Imperium (1/10 - 1/26) | ||
Heathers: The Musical
Happily Ever After Productions (6/26 - 7/13) | ||
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