The Kabir Centre inaugurates its 2023 concert season with the Magnificent sitar played by Mita Nag, one of India's leading female artists. She will be accompanied by the brilliant percussionist Indranil Mallick. The enchanting music of the Indian Sitar has become popular in the Western world since the 1960s thanks to Ravi Shankar, an Indian sitarist musician and composer, and his famous pupil: George Harrison of The Beatles. Mita Nag belongs to the Vishnupur Gharana of Bengal, a school of music nearly 300 years old. In terms of lineage, she is the sixth-generation sitar player in her family, the tradition having begun with her fore fathers. Indranil Mallick, a promising tabla player of rare skill, has already established himself both as a soloist and accompanist. He belongs to Luckhnow Gharana style of tabla. Tickets: Our website: Our FB page: Come experience the mystical beauty of Hindustani music! The Magnificent sitar concert is a unique event not to be missed!
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Segal Centre for Performing Arts (1/20 - 1/26)
| ||
The Cost of Living
The Sky is the Limit Theatre (1/16 - 2/2) | ||
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Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome
Segal Centre for Performing Arts (1/20 - 1/26) | ||
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Centaur Theatre (1/21 - 2/9) | ||
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