Living Out is the story of Nancy and Richard, a family of lawyers living in an affluent section of Los Angeles. They are seeking a "nanny" to look after their newborn daughter. On the other side of town live Ana Hernandez and husband Bobby, two undocumented immigrants from El Salvador who fled their country because of a civil war largely funded by the United States. Ana needs a job that pays enough money to bring her older son, Tomas, to this country, but all her searches as a caregiver end in rejection because she has a child at home. Thus, when Ana meets Nancy, she lies-and says both her boys are in El Salvador. Nancy and Richard overlook Ana's illegal status because they feel the war was immoral.
Théâtre Plaza (1/25 - 2/1) | ||
Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome
Segal Centre for Performing Arts (1/20 - 1/26) | ||
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