A staged reading of Di Komedyantn, Miriam Hoffman’s masterful Yiddish adaptation of Sunshine Boys, featuring Sam Stein, Aron Gonshor, Ben Gonshor and other members of the DWYT company. A rollicking comedy about a former vaudeville duo - who haven't spoken for a decade!
“There was not an empty seat in the house, and …not a dry eye from all the laughter…Gonshor and Stein’s acting was so richly developed, and the script so delicious…The gestures, the pauses, the exaggerated looks and rich dialogue, replete with slapstick elements and repeated jokes, made for a rollicking theatre experience.” - Irwin Block, November 26, 2012, The Senior Times.
The Secret Chord: A Leonard Cohen Experience
Segal Centre for Performing Arts (12/8 - 1/12) | ||
The Cost of Living
The Sky is the Limit Theatre (1/16 - 2/2) | ||
Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome
Segal Centre for Performing Arts (1/20 - 1/26)
| ||
Théâtre Plaza (1/25 - 2/1) | ||
Strawberries in January - A Musical Fantasy
Centaur Theatre (1/21 - 2/9) | ||
Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome
Segal Centre for Performing Arts (1/20 - 1/26) | ||
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