Sarah Sokolovic returns to her Milwaukee roots in THE MOORS, a darkly comedic play by Jen Silverman debuting at Renaissance Theaterworks. The story follows a young governess who arrives at a secluded manor filled with quirky inhabitants, including Branwell's sisters and a lovelorn mastiff, only to realize she finds herself in a world of unexpected twists and gothic charm. The production features a talented cast including Allie Babich, Kaylene Howard, Emily Vitrano, and Reese Madigan. THE MOORS promises a whimsical satire that playfully subverts the gothic conventions associated with the Brontë sisters, making it a fitting choice for the Halloween season.
BOSWELL (7/30/24-7/30/24)
The mission of Renaissance Theaterworks is to create moving theater that connects with our shared sense of being human. We are dedicated to artistic excellence and to promoting the work of women onstage and off. We take pride in our accomplishments towards improving gender parity in Milwaukee theater.
The Nether (1/10/25-2/2/25)
Grand Hotel: The Musical
Sunset Playhouse (4/24 - 5/11) | ||
Sailing: Cool Groves of the '70s & '80s
Sunset Playhouse (2/13 - 2/16) | ||
Uihlein Hall at Marcus Center For The Performing Arts (7/30 - 8/17) | ||
Boy Bands: Beatles to Backstreet
Sunset Playhouse (4/28 - 4/29) | ||
Marcus Performing Arts Center (1/14 - 1/19) | ||
And in this Corner: Cassius Clay
Racine Theatre Guild (2/21 - 3/2) | ||
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Sunset Playhouse (7/10 - 8/3) | ||
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