PAN Productions returns with the Mel Brooks’ smash hit musical, The Producers. Based on the 1968 film of the same name, the show follows the story of Max Bialystock and Leopold Bloom who have discovered a surefire way to make a fortune on Broadway: raise millions from little old lady “investors”, produce the worst play in a long history of flops, and then run off with the money when the play closes on opening night. They think they’ve found their play in ‘Springtime for Hitler’ – but anything can happen when the lights go down on Broadway!
With songs including “I Wanna Be A Producer” and the infamous “Springtime for Hitler”, The Producers is a hilarious, glittering and irreverent spoof of traditional Broadway musicals that will delight audiences from start to finish with it’s trademark comic moments and slapstick humor!
The Producers went on to win a record-breaking 12 Tony Awards on the Broadway stage, including Best Book, Best Score, and Best Musical, before it was turned into the 2005 hit movie starring Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick and Uma Thurman. This is the first time The Producers will be staged in Southeast Asia
This production is proudly presented by Berjaya Corporation Berhad and sponsored by AmPrivate Banking, KLK Holdings and OCBC Bank. Other supporters include Zoos Advertising and M.A.C. Cosmetics.