MACBETT explores the irony of ambition through an epic, phantasmagorical dream-turned-nightmare. We invite you to this seismic, scary, seductive, symbolic and scandalous experience.
After crushing a violent rebellion for the cowardly Archduke Duncan, loyal generals Macbett and Banco are seduced by two unassuming witches into starting their own revolution. Duncan meets his fate, but the throne is guarded by intruding ghosts, singing nobles and a walking forest. Only one will remain king, but for how long?
A surrealistic take on Eugène Ionesco’s absurdist parody, MACBETT is a story of a familiar world gone insane. Irreverently written, it takes your preconceived notions about ambition, politics and theatre and turn it into a never-ending nightmare. Be prepared to throw the sanctimonious out the window.
MACBETT contains traces of unfathomable language, audience involvement and sexual tension. For grown-ups only.