Festival of short plays. Week One: October 7- October 9: This Almost Joy That place of being almost, almost, any moment now, almost but-not-quite,,,, Written by Barbara Lindsay. Directed by Donald Moore. A Perfect Evening Sometimes it’s hard to find love, even in a fancy and romantic restaurant. Written and directed by Clara Rodriguez. 150 Years of Walking The more things change, the more they remain the same. Is there a cycle, do we recognize the cycle, and if we see the cycle, can the cycle be broken? Written by David Lindsey. Directed by Veronica Thompson. Close Encounter A cosmetologist’s tale. The Dead Comedian Dead comedians get the last laugh. Written and directed by Lloyd J. Schwartz. Cast: Cecil Jennings. Starry Night Camping can be dangerous....in a lot of different ways. Written and directed by Clara Rodriguez. Neighbors Feuding neighbors find an incongruous bond when a difficult teenager runs away. Written and directed by Arden Teresa Lewis. Week Two: October 14- October 16 Bittersweet Oranges What happens when a long-simmering dark family secret finally boils over? Written by Marc Littman. Directed by Rick Simone. Rope One woman, one rope, one unexpected friendship. Written by Kres Mersky. Directed by Paul Gersten. Cast: Kres Mersky. Strangers in a Lost Land On a desert island, two survivors of a shipwreck have a strange encounter. Written and directed by Cecil Jennings. Spider Wars Oh, what a tangled bed we leave.... Written and directed by Donald Moore. Cast: Rick Simone, Ashley Taylor. Just Like That Complex issues come to surface as political and racial tensions pull apart the hearts and minds of a young married interracial couple. Written and directed by James A. Goins. Cast: Cynthia Vassor, Ari Wojciech. Death and Cold Cuts They say that “Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing.” Wanna bet? Written by Garry Kluger. Directed by Arden Teresa Lewis. Cast: Mary Somers, Amelia Vargas.
Cast: Jeanine Anderson, Bonnie Kalisher, Richard Reich, Bill Sehres.
Cast: Philip Sokoloff, Seemah Wilder Idelson, Ari Wojciech, Sara Ballantine.
Cast: Daphne Jones, Aron Cobbs, Aneisha Hughes, Joe Nassi, Jarrol Taylor.
Written by Kres Mersky. Directed by Paul Gersten. Cast: Kres Mersky.
Cast: Zoe Echo, Cecil Jennings, Paige Pedersen.
Cast: Heidi Appe, Alan Schack.
Cast: Mimi Kmet, Ernest McDaniel, Cecil Jennings, Amelia Vargas.
Cast: Paige Pedersen, Tessa Nesbet, Charles Smith.
Ages: 12 to Adult.
Wish You Were Here
South Coast Repertory's Julianne Argyros Stage (1/12 - 2/2) | ||
South Coast Repertory (2/19 - 3/2) | ||
Batiashvili Plays Beethoven
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/3 - 1/5) | ||
New Year's Eve with D-Nice & Friends
Walt Disney Concert Hall (12/31 - 12/31) | ||
FARM HALL by Katherine Moar
Promenade Playhouse (1/10 - 1/26) NEW PLAY | ||
Cody Fry with Orchestra
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/10 - 1/10) | ||
Seoul Festival with the LA Phil: Night 1
Walt Disney Concert Hall (6/6 - 6/6) | ||
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Pantages Theatre (2/13 - 6/22) | ||
L.A. Chamber Orchestra presents a Baroque Program of Celestials: Mobley + Vivaldi
Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts (1/11 - 1/12) | ||
Schumann & Brahms
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/9 - 1/11) | ||
Drat! The Cat!
The Group Rep at the Lonny Chapman Theatre (3/21 - 4/27) | ||
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