A world premiere stage adaptation based on the 2014 hit musical film, Waiting In The Wings: The Musical is set to play at the Rose Center Theater November 5-14, 2021. Waiting In The Wings: The Musical follows two entertainers destined for the big time, who are mismatched in a casting office from two very different online contests. Tony, a stripper from New York, is accidentally cast in an Off-Broadway musical and needs to trade in his tear-away trunks for tap shoes and tights; and Anthony, a naive musical theatre enthusiast from Montana, needs to decide if he can strip all the way down just to stay in town. Hilarity ensues as they realize that to "make it"; they're going to have to learn some new tricks.This stage adaptation is Directed and Musically Directed by Tim Nelson, Choreographed by Arianna Hyatt, Jennifer Kornswiet, Jenn Matthews, and Trevin Stephenson, with Book by Jeffrey A. Johns and Arie Gonzalez. Other songwriters on the production include Danny Abosch, Anthony Asaro, Ken Clifton, Bobby Cronin, Jay Falzone, Arie Gonzalez, Rob Hartmann, Caleb Hoyer, Paul Louis, Anne Markt, Rick McKee, David Pevsner, Jeff Rizzo, Nick Santa Maria, Robert Shapiro, and Ruth Wallis. Orchestrations and additional arrangements by Jeff Batdorf.Presented indoors at Orange County's Premier Civic Performing Arts Center, the Rose Center Theater, this Event will be in accordance with health and safety guidelines put forth by the County of Orange. Due to social distancing guidelines, capacity for this Event will be limited, and advanced ticket purchase required.
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