Written by Mexican playwright Amaranta Leyva and performed by the Mexico City-based puppet theater company, Marionetas de la Esquina, this heartwarming story shows children how their imaginations can lead them to creative solutions. Meet Emilio, who is fearful of the many changes occurring in his life. Luckily, Emilio has a vivid imagination and an imaginary friend named "Cow”(Vaca). Together, Emilio and Cow begin to deal with the changes that have resulted from his parents' separation, going to a new school, trying to make new friends and living in a new home without his father. The performance features the Bunraku style of puppetry developed in Japan, which the company has adapted to a modern story for families. Join us for post-show activities and meet the puppets and puppeteers.
Linda Eder
Patchogue Theatre (4/18 - 4/18) | ||
Lucy Sings Taylor A Tribute To Taylor Swift
Bellmore Cinema & Playhouse (3/15 - 3/15)
| ||
Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra
Staller Center for the Arts (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
The 7 Fingers in Duel Reality
Staller Center for the Arts (4/12 - 4/12) | ||
Toby Tobias and Jen Grace to Perform at Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame
Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame (2/2 - 2/2) | ||
The Joni Project: Celebrating the Music of Joni Mitchell featuring Katie Pearlman & her band - Court and Spark 50th Anniversary Tour
Tilles Center for the Performing Arts (3/20 - 3/20) | ||
Camryn Quinlan to Perform at Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame
Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame (2/9 - 2/9) | ||
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