A Hilarious Farce-Meets-Murder Mystery CLUE, based on the iconic 1985 Paramount movie which was inspired by the classic Hasbro board game, is a hilarious farce-meets-murder mystery. The tale begins at a remote mansion, where six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner party where murder and blackmail are on the menu. When their host turns up dead, they all become suspects. Led by Wadsworth the butler, Miss Scarlett, Professor Plum, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, and Colonel Mustard race to find the killer as the body count stacks up. Clue is the classic whodunit murder mystery musical comedy that will leave both cult fans and newcomers in stitches as they try to figure out...WHO did it, WHERE did it happen, and with WHAT weapon! Youll be laughing throughout as they sole the crime!
Linda Eder
Patchogue Theatre (4/18 - 4/18) | ||
Stony Brook Opera
Staller Center for the Arts (4/26 - 4/26) | ||
Rhythm India: Bollywood & Beyond
Staller Center for the Arts (3/21 - 3/21) | ||
Peter & The Wolf - Staller Center Outreach Ensemble
Staller Center for the Arts (3/30 - 3/30) | ||
Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley
South Shore Theatre Experience (1/16 - 1/16) | ||
Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra
Staller Center for the Arts (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
Laurie Anne Creus to Perform at Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame
Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame (1/26 - 1/26) | ||
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