This Broadway version of Cinderella is a beloved musical adaptation of the classic fairy tale. It tells the story of Cinderella, a kind-hearted young woman who dreams of escaping her servitude and attending the royal ball. Cinderella’s wish comes true with the help of her Fairy Godmother, but she must leave the ball before midnight, leaving behind only a glass slipper. Prince Charming is determined to find the mysterious woman who captured his heart, leading to a magical and enchanting tale of love, hope, and the power of believing in oneself. Content Warning: Mild Peril, Themes of Family Content, Mild Romantic Content Get Tickets:
Arkansas State University Theatre is at 201 Olympic Dr State University, Jonesboro, AR.
Arkansas State University Theatre is at 201 Olympic Dr State University, Jonesboro, AR.
Ride the Cyclone (11/15/24-11/24/24)
Almost Maine (9/27/24-10/6/24)
The Revolutionists (4/12/24-4/21/24)
Back to the Future: The Musical
Robinson Center Music Hall (3/12 - 3/16) | ||
Rialto Community Arts Center (3/14 - 3/23) | ||
Disney's Alice In Wonderland Jr.
Greenwood Performing Arts Center (1/30 - 2/1) | ||
School of Rock: The Musical
Argenta Contemporary Theatre (2/12 - 2/22) | ||
Rialto Community Arts Center (3/14 - 3/23) | ||
Argenta Contemporary Theatre (4/9 - 4/19) | ||
On Golden Pond
Argenta Contemporary Theatre (5/14 - 5/24) | ||
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