Oskar, a bullied boy from a broken home, and Eli, a teenager who moves in next door and rarely leaves the house, become devoted friends. When their neighborhood is haunted by a series of mysterious murders, a shocking truth tests Oskar and Eli's growing love.
Ages: Mature Audiences
The Wizard of Oz (12/11/24-9/15/24)
Studio Vibe is at 1710 Center Ave W, Dilworth, MN 56529, Fargo, ND.
The Wizard of Oz (12/11/24-9/15/24)
The Addams Family Younger@Part (11/8/24-11/9/24)
Let the Right One In (10/27/24-10/30/24)
Newsies (8/11/24-8/14/24)
Frozen Jr (7/24/24-7/25/24)
Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka KIDS (2/26/24-2/29/24)
The Addams Family Young@Part (11/1/23-11/5/23)