Disney’s Finding Nemo is a musical adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie Finding Nemo, with new music by award-winning songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. Marlin, an anxious and over-protective clownfish, lives in the Great Barrier Reef with his kid Nemo, who longs to explore the world beyond their anemone home. But when Nemo is captured and taken to Sydney, Marlin faces his fears and sets off on an epic adventure across the ocean. With the help of lovable characters such as optimistic Dory, laid-back sea turtle Crush, and the supportive Tank Gang, Marlin and Nemo both overcome challenges on their journey to find each other and themselves.
Featuring memorable songs such as “Just Keep Swimming,” “Fish Are Friends Not Food,” and “Go With the Flow”
Solon Center For The Arts is at 6315 Som Center Rd, Solon, OH.
Disney's The Little Mermaid Jr (6/28/22-6/28/23)
The Musical Adventures Of Flat Stanley Jr (4/22/22-4/22/23)
Annie Jr (4/3/20-4/4/20)
DISNEY'S FROZEN JR (12/6/19-12/15/19)
MADAGASCAR JR (7/11/19-7/12/19)
DISNEY'S ALADDIN JR. (11/30/18-12/2/18)
SHREK THE MUSICAL JR (11/5/15-11/8/15)
A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD- TYA (7/31/15-8/2/15)
A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD-KIDS (1/15/11-1/15/12)
Quiereme Hasta La Locura (Love me until madness)
LatinUs Theater Company (2/14 - 3/2) COMEDY | ||
Hahn Plays Brahms
Severance Music Center (1/16 - 1/18) | ||
Bach’s Easter Oratorio
Severance Music Center (4/17 - 4/19) | ||
A Chorus Line
Senney Theater (7/11 - 8/10) | ||
King James
Cleveland Play House: Outcalt Theatre (3/1 - 3/23) | ||
Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka
Cassidy Theatre (4/4 - 4/20) | ||
Dobama Theatre (1/24 - 2/16) | ||
Jersey Boys
Weathervane Playhouse, Akron (2/27 - 3/30) | ||
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