BLAST: Bold Local Artists of the Southern Tier presents the heartwarming and hilarious, family comedy “Over the River and Through the Woods” by Joe DiPietro. This show opens Friday November 18 th and runs for two weekends only until Sunday November 27 th, at the Cider Mill Stage, Your Hometown Theater, 2 Nanticoke Ave, Endicott, NY 13760. Of course, these grandparents are devastated until Emma cooks up a scheme to keep Nicky close to Hoboken. Nicky makes his regular appearance the following Sunday only to find that the lovely and charming Caitlin O’Hare (Stefanie Willette) is also a dinner guest. Is this the woman of Nicky’s dreams and can she make him to stay on the East Coast?
“Over the River and Through the Woods” to Grandmother’s house we go, at least that is what the song says and what dutiful Grandson Nicholas Cristano has done, every week, for the past 29 years.
Nicky (Isaac Weber) a high powered and ambitious Marketing Executive turns to juvenile mush when he leaves his home in Manhattan and makes the trek to Hoboken, NJ each Sunday evening. He gets incredible food; he spends time with his incredible family and these incredible Grandparents have faith that their Grandson will never leave them.
However, after 29 years something amazing happens one Thursday that could change the course of everyone’s life. Nicky makes the trip to his Nonna Aida Gianelli (Paula Bacorn) and Gramps Frank Gianelli’s (Ted Nappi) house to tell them his big news. Gram Emma Cristano (Amy Hathaway Gilbert) and Pops Nunzio Cristano (Danny Ceballos) show up to find out that their darling grandson Nicky has gotten a huge promotion and plans to move to Washington, no not the close Washington, but to Seattle for a job offer he just can’t refuse.
This heartwarming comedy by Joe DiPietro “Over the River and Through the Woods” will teach you the three Fs of life: Family, Faith and Food. You will laugh, cry and wish you could share some veal andlasagna with this Gianelli-Cristano clan.
“Over the River and Through the Woods” will be at the Cider Mill Stage, Your Hometown Theater, 2 Nanticoke Ave, Endicott, NY 13760. Show dates are November 18-20 th and again on the 25 th -27 th. All performances are at 7:30pm and tickets are $25 and can be purchased online by visiting or by calling the Box-office at 607-321-9630.
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