Anthony Wayne, known for his role in Mighty Real: A Fabulous Sylvester Musical, presents a solo concert showcasing his personal journey from a young dreamer in Norfolk, Virginia, to a Broadway performer. In "...Just Me. Anthony Wayne: Live," Wayne shares intimate stories and music that reflect his experiences and aspirations, revealing the man behind the stage persona. The event features vocalists Enga Davis and AshtnMrtn, and is directed by Rufus Bonds, Jr., with music direction by Richard Baskin, Jr. The performance offers an engaging glimpse into the life and career of this talented artist.
Broadway Holiday with Michael Mott & Friends (12/7/24-12/7/24)
Broadway Holiday with Michael Mott & Friends (12/7/24-12/7/24)
Gotta Sing (11/11/24-11/11/24)
Lights, Camera, Lerner & Loewe (11/5/24-11/5/24)
Two Thousand Miles: A New Musical (10/11/24-10/11/24)
Leola’s Lady Land Lounge (9/26/24-12/5/24)
I Feel The Earth Swing: Carole King Hits... But Jazz! (9/13/24-9/13/24)
I Feel The Earth Swing: Carole King hits…but jazz! (9/13/24-9/13/24)
A Corky Show (9/1/24-9/1/24)
I Love You Because: A Queer Reimagining (8/25/24-8/26/24)
Deep Inside Tonight (8/20/24-8/20/24)
Life After
CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre (4/16 - 5/4) | ||
Soul to Soul
National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene (1/19 - 1/19) | ||
Jeannette Miller: Everything Must Change
Pangea (1/11 - 1/11) | ||
Shapes & Forms
Joe's Pub (12/26 - 12/31) | ||
The Green Room 42 (12/5 - 2/13) | ||
Kati Neiheisel: London by Night
Pangea (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
Women of The Wings Volume 7
The Green Room 42 (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
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