Jacob Bryant's powerful companion video to his current single, "Pour Whiskey On My Grave," has garnered over THREE MILLION views, and generated more than 90,000 shares from his Facebook page. Released to his fans on February 2 exclusively on the social media platform, the clip can now also be viewed on YouTube, where clicks continue to rise.
A fatalistic, spit-in-your-face look at death, the opening overhead shots of bikers riding a lonesome two-lane highway spins the story up. From bar to barnyard, Bryant's lanky presence is front and center; captivating and cajoling. Shot entirely in black and white, the piece is arresting - filled with a crash and burn energy. As Jacob says, "We live and we die; death is very black and white. And I wanted that reflected in the visuals." Filmed near Jacob's hometown of Jasper, Georgia, characters include a bad-a** preacher, loose women and drinking buddies, all portrayed by Bryant's real-life friends and family members in all their outlaw glory. Chris St. Croix (commercials for Vizio, Wall Street Journal, Yazoo Beer; short films Dirty Little Secrets, Last Words, and full-length feature In the Dark) directed.
The track's Southern Rock feel is solidified by a hard-charging lead guitar, thundering drums and Bryant's earthy, emotive voice. Produced by Jesse Triplett, lead guitar player for multi-platinum Alt. Rockers Collective Soul, "Pour Whiskey On My Grave" is the second single release from Jacob's upcoming summer album. The single is available to radio via Play MPE and fans can purchase at iTunes , Amazon, Google Play and Spotify. For Bryant, cutting the song was a given. "I first heard it played by Jami Grooms, one of the writers," Jacob recalls. "It was crazy. It put me so back in to a place in my mind - and it was so real." Bryant's mother passed away unexpectedly in 2010, and he visits her grave several times a year, always with a few beers in hand. "This song makes me feel real close to her," he adds.
To celebrate the early success of the single/video, Jacob will perform his first full-band show in Nashville at the famed EXIT/IN on February 28. Additional shows include dates in Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama. Check Bryant's website for more details.
Watch the music video!