Listen to the new EP 'I Hope You Hate It' from Picturesque.
Legendary independent New York-based rock label Equal Vision Records and Picturesque have released of I Hope You Hate It, the Lexington, KY pop-rock quartet’s new five-song EP.
An offering that shows how the band is moving forward and putting everything they have into their music, I Hope You Hate It illustrates how the members of Picturesque are branching out with its new material. “This project is unlike any other record we have ever made or will ever make again,” guitarist Zach Williamson said. “This project is not for our core audience. We have always wanted to hear our songs through this alternative lens, and contrary to the title of the EP, we are really excited to show it to the world.”
The announcement was led by “Everything’s Just Fine,” a depiction of KC Green’s famous web comic strip On Fire that is about keeping up appearances while refusing to acknowledge the obvious truth, even when it is glaringly evident.
“I want to maintain the illusion that I can handle what life throws at me, even though I’m barely keeping it together,” vocalist Kyle Hollis said. “I lie and tell everyone ‘everything’s just fine’, trying to convince myself as well, while knowing not a single person believes it. While I don’t necessarily endorse this idea, I know that nearly everyone can relate to this.”
Photo Credit: Meg Shanks