Canadian artist, Alex Henry Foster has released his epic short film for The Hunter (By The Seaside Window), a 15 minute cathartic post-rock journey taken from his forthcoming album Windows In The Sky, released on May 1st by Hopeful Tragedy Records.
In just a few days this video has received over 167,000 views.
Watch it below!
Self-isolation may now be customary to our everyday lifestyles but for Alex Henry Foster it's how Windows In The Sky was originally formed. After his father passed away in 2016, Foster stepped away and relocated to Tangier, to come to terms with his loss, and make sense of his life over a two year period. Tangier offered the tranquility and anonymity Foster craved and he took inspiration from the call to prayer from the local mosque. "The act of prayer was like taking a moment to reflect on things. And I needed to take a moment on myself, to reflect my father, my grief, and my confusion."
The Hunter (By the Seaside Window) emerged from a 30-minute jam that would later be released as 15 minutes of a noisy, out-of-breath and tortured kind of dark, spiritual, emotive, and redemptive" sonic journey. The song was originally half an hour long where Foster's depression stalks him like prey, the Slint-esque soundscapes growing more and more claustrophobic.
Directed by Foster's longtime collaborator, French filmmaker Jessie Nottola (Tinariwen, Tiken Jah Fakoly, Arthur H), The Hunter was shot this January in the Wilderness of Canada, somewhere around 200km north of Montreal and took seven days to film amidst crazy Canadian. Inspired by the work of David Lynch, The Hunter follows the roiling tumult of his previous single, Summertime Departures - a powerful musing on the finality of mortality. This track is another heart-felt, personal sonic storm found on Windows In The Sky that now has 510,000 views on YouTube - a must watch if you are just discovering Alex's music.
Now back home in Canada following a run of packed EU and UK shows with And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead, where Foster's support slot gained nightly encores, The Hunter "brings the light and the prey is the darkness falling in the hands of a new morning," explains Alex. "You feel the same, but everything is different somehow. You stand up. You hear the sound of a gun that has been fired. The ghosts that kept on haunting you are waiting outside for your daily anguish to begin. It's hard to breathe. The fight against yourself is one that is as bright as the dawn. You're breathing in, you're breathing out... and just like that, everything starts once again."
Windows in The Sky is available to pre-order here.