Roja is a nueva musical that presents a fresh take on the classic Little Red Riding Hood story, combining elements of traditional Mexican folk music and Mestizo folklore. Set at the edge of the desert in Northern Mexico, the narrative follows Roja as she rescues a magical coyote, leading to an enchanting journey filled with themes of love, loss, and resilience. The production is written by Jaime Lozano and Tommy Newman, directed by Florencia Cuenca, and features performers Mayelah Barrera, Mario Tadeo, Daniela Delahuerta, Yahir Montes, and Max Cervantes.
In the Works~In the Woods Festival (9/6/24-9/8/24)
Palimpsest (9/6/24-9/7/24)
Catskills Cab Lab (9/6/24-9/8/24)
Rebel Genius (9/7/24-9/8/24)
I Want To Be Good (9/8/24-9/8/24)
I Want To Be Good (9/8/24-9/8/24)
Rebel Genius (9/7/24-9/8/24)
In the Works~In the Woods Festival (9/6/24-9/8/24)
Palimpsest (9/6/24-9/7/24)
Catskills Cab Lab (9/6/24-9/8/24)
In 1947, an intrepid group of artists from Greenwich Village made their way to the Catskills Mountains. While searching for the perfect locale for a summer theatre, they discovered a beautiful barn nestled in the Town of Forestburgh, New York—at that moment, the Forestburgh Playhouse was born. Also known as the Miracle of the Forest, the Playhouse has continuously presented hundreds of musicals, plays, cabarets and concerts. Scores of actors, directors, dancers, musicians, designers and more have come together each summer to create a magical season of professional live theatre.
Dear Evan Hansen
The Hanover Theatre & Conservatory for the Performing Arts (1/10 - 1/12) | ||
The Simon & Garfunkel Story
Emerson Colonial Theatre (2/1 - 2/2) | ||
Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts (4/4 - 4/6) | ||
Boston Celtic Music Festival
Club Passim (1/16 - 1/19) | ||
Huntington Theatre (1/25 - 1/25)
| ||
An Evening with John Cusack
Emerson Colonial Theatre (2/28 - 2/28) | ||
The Recursion of a Moth
Boston Playwrights' Theatre (2/27 - 3/9) | ||
The Music of Hans Zimmer Performed by The Lords of the Sound Orchestra
Emerson Colonial Theatre (3/5 - 3/5) | ||
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