By Adam Gwon Playful – Heartwarming – Contemporary Ordinary Days tells the story of four young New Yorkers whose lives intersect as they search for fulfillment, happiness, love and cabs. Through a score of vibrant and memorable songs, their experiences ring startlingly true to life. Ordinary Days is an original musical for anyone who’s ever struggled to appreciate the simple things in a complex place. With equal doses of humor and poignancy, it celebrates how 8.3 million individual stories combine in unexpected ways to make New York City such a unique and extraordinary home.
Directed by Doug Clemens
Urinetown (1/17/25-2/8/25)
I Hate Hamlet (3/7/25-3/22/25)
Misery (5/30/25-6/14/25)
Perfect Wedding (7/11/25-7/26/25)
Stage Coach Theatre is at 4802 W. Emerald, Boise, ID 83706, Boise, ID.
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (11/29/24-12/22/24)
Lizzie (10/11/24-11/2/24)
The Legend of Georgia McBride (7/12/24-7/27/24)
The Butler Did It (5/31/24-6/15/24)
Proof (4/19/24-5/4/24)
Avenue Q (3/1/24-3/23/24)
Love…or Best Offer (1/19/24-2/3/24)
A Twisted Christmas Carol (12/1/23-12/23/23)
REEFER MADNESS (10/6/23-10/28/23)
Reefer Madness: The Musical (10/6/23-10/28/23)
Morrison Center (1/21 - 2/2) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Morrison Center for the Performing Arts (2/25 - 3/2) | ||
Stage Coach Theatre (1/17 - 2/8) | ||
I Hate Hamlet
Stage Coach Theatre (3/7 - 3/22) | ||
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical
Morrison Center (2/25 - 3/2) | ||
Ordinary Days
Stage Coach Theatre (4/18 - 5/3) | ||
Morrison Center for the Performing Arts (4/2 - 4/13) | ||
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