The story of two sisters, Ellie and Vi, who work as maid and laundress for the wealthy Harrisons. As the play begins they are sitting at the kitchen table in a tenement apartment in Harlem, lamenting the end of their good times. Mr. Harrison has discovered his wife in an act of infidelity. The sisters fear that if the marriage breaks up they will be both out of a job. Their nephew, Junie, chides them for their slavish sentiments at a time when blacks are on the march toward liberation.
Winner of the coveted Vernon Rice and Obie Awards. A long-run Off-Broadway hit, the show is filled with sharp, satiric thrusts, the play reports hilariously on the plight of two black domestics whose white employers are on the verge of divorce thereby threatening a cutoff in the household graft which has brought considerable luxury to their lives. "Laughter is a powerful weapon…" —NY Herald-Tribune.
Ensuring You Receive Full Compensation After an Accident
Nooh Theatre (9/15 - 9/25) | ||
God of Carnage
South City Theatre (2/14 - 2/22) | ||
The Book of Will
The Cloverdale Playhouse (10/9 - 10/19) | ||
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex [Concert Hall] (1/15 - 1/19) | ||
Les Miserables
Von Braun Center [Concert Hall] (5/6 - 5/11) | ||
C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters
BJCC Theatre (3/2 - 3/2) | ||
Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley
The Cloverdale Playhouse (12/11 - 12/21) | ||
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