Detroit 67 tells the story of conflicting siblings against a backdrop of the race riots that shook Detroit, Michigan, in the summer of 1967. Chelle (Shronda Major) and Lank (Jeremy Jefferson) are brother and sister who share their recently inherited childhood home. They work together, scraping enough money to make ends meet. To supplement their small inheritance, they have converted their basement into a small private club. Although the siblings are close, Lank, a dreamer, has secret plans for the money raised by their little nightclub: he and a friend want to buy a real bar together. Lank knows that his more conventional sister will object--she has a son at college who needs her financial support. Bunny (Schelle Purcell) is Chelles loyal confidante , a mover-and-shaker with enough sway to populate any party Their banter alone is sheer side splitting humor. After Lank and his buddy Sly find a badly beaten white woman on their way home one night, their situation becomes further complicated. Chelle reluctantly agrees to let Caroline (the mystery lady played by Rebecca Yeager) stay if she pulls her weight by working in the basementa decision she comes to quickly regret when she notices the chemistry between Caroline and her brother.
Ages: Adult Audience Suggested
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