September Song proudly presents Anastasia: The Musical! Based on the 1997 animated film of the same name, Anastasia is a re-imagining of the beloved film for the stage. Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens, who created the music and lyrics for the film, reunite with their partner Terrence McNally who together created such Broadway classics as Ragtime and Once On This Island, to bring this new stunning version to life. This dazzling show transports its audience from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920s, as a brave young woman sets out to discover the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing con man and a lovable ex-aristocrat. Together, they embark on an epic adventure to help her find home, love and family. Tickets go on sale May 1, 2024. For more information visit our website at
Ages: Anastasia may be inappropriate for ages 7 and under.
The Scott Center for the Fine & Performing Arts is at 1601 Washington Rd Westminster MD 21157, Westminster, MD.
Irene Kelley - Singer Songwriter Series
Arts Barn (3/29 - 3/29) | ||
The Music Man
Third Wall Productions (2/7 - 2/16) | ||
Shakespeare's Hamlet
Milburn Stone Theatre (1/24 - 1/26) | ||
Highwire Improv (1/9 - 1/9) | ||
Marjorie is Dead
Rapid Lemon Productions (1/21 - 1/21) | ||
Olney Theatre Center (3/26 - 4/27) | ||
The Crucible
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