Student Blog: Graduation: The Last Five YearsMay 20, 2021If I could give one piece of advice to people going to college, I would say: DO NOT sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. But proactively take the front row seat, fasten your seat belt and scream from the top of your lungs, making the most of every single moment because you are so lucky to be here!
Student Blog: The New Era of FandomApril 21, 2021Stage door, fan mail, events at Shubert Alley – the starter pack of an OG Broadway fan. However, things have been changing, and not just because of the pandemic. And that was one of the topics discussed at the BroadwayCon Industry Day, produced by Situation.
BWW Blog: Marcus Martin - Gifted Beyond the StageFebruary 11, 2021I have no doubt you’ll soon hear his name in the industry (maybe playing one of his dream roles as the Genie in Aladdin or Hercules Mulligan in Hamilton). But for now, you can listen to his podcast and follow his very inspirational Instagram page!
BWW Blog: What I Did for Love (and Opportunity)January 29, 2021In a year of uncertainty, and fear one could argue, “it is okay to postpone your plans.” “Nothing is happening anyway.” “It’s okay. Things will happen when they happen.” And I agree with those statements. However, while many segments of our lives are on hold (leases are not getting increased, student loans are frozen, etc.), many are still running, just like my student visa deadline.
BWW Blog: I've Graduated! Now What? - Bailey FordOctober 14, 2020This is chapter 2 of a?oeIa??ve Graduated! Now What?a?? a series in which I interview recent Baldwin Wallace graduates from arts related majors, so that we can all hear about their experiences, and even learn from their advices.
BWW Blog: I've Graduated! Now What? - Enrique MiguelOctober 5, 2020Welcome to the first chapter of the 'I've Graduated! Now What?' series! As I'm now officially a senior, I'm thinking about my next steps after I leave college. And what better way to learn more than from listening from experience?
BWW Blog: Broadway in BrazilSeptember 10, 2020Have you ever thought about the fact that there are musicals being produced in Brazil? Both Broadway adaptations and original work? Thanks to these shows, many are being exposed to the art form we love so much, myself included!
BWW Blog: Online Back to School from AbroadSeptember 1, 2020I came back home to Brazil for my spring break and never went back to Baldwin Wallace University. Because of the pandemic, there is a travel ban imposed by the US to Brazilians, preventing me from returning to campus this fall.
BWW Blog: Freedom SummerJuly 30, 2020But this Freedom Summer that youa??re going to read all about is a new musical written by, now Baldwin Wallace music theatre alumni, based in the events that took place in the summer of 1964.