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Ayaka Ozaki - Page 4

Ayaka Ozaki

(English is following below)

Ayaka Ozakiは、熟練した舞台監督、舞台監督助手、テクニカルディレクター、演劇愛好家です。ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンではライブスタントショーのウォーターワールドで舞台監督、多様な季節のショーでは舞台監督助手やテクニカルディレクターとして働いていました。ニューヨーク大学でプロの演劇を学び、フェルドエンターテインメントの全米アリーナツアースタントショーでインターンをし、東京の国際コミュニティシアターで舞台監督助手のボランティアをすることで、舞台制作の理解をより深めました。


- メディア交通ガイドブックマネージャー
- 文化交流大使兼日本大使

Ayaka Ozaki is a skilled stage manager, assistant stage manager, technical director, writer, editor, and theatre enthusiast. She used to work for a live stunt show, Water World as stage manager and diverse seasonal shows as a stage assistant and technical director at Universal Studios Japan.  Studying professional theatre at New York University, having interned at the US national touring show for Feld Entertainment, and volunteering at an international community theatre in Tokyo have given her a deeper understanding of the theatre production process.

Her love for shows runs deep, and she makes a point to watch them as often as possible. Whether it's a stunt show, ice show, concert, drama, theme park show, or musical, she delights them all. She believes that her passion for and knowledge of theater will be invaluable to this opportunity. She is excited to support and uplift local theatre companies through her writing and contributing to the theatre community meaningfully as a writer for Broadway World.

Other Work History:
- Media Transportation Guidebook Manager for
The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Cultural Representative & Ambassador of Japan  for
Walt Disney Company (Walt Disney World)

Interview: Hiro Iida, an Electronic Music Designer Making Waves Worldwide
Interview: Hiro Iida, an Electronic Music Designer Making Waves Worldwide
April 13, 2024

Hiro Iida: Known as an electronic music designer making waves worldwide, he's a sound craftsman designing the sound of musicals. A graduate of Berklee College of Music, he has won two Grammy Awards. Some of his notable works include 'The Notebook THE MUSICAL,' 'THE GREAT GATSBY,' 'Kimberly Akimbo,' 'Tootsie' on Broadway, 'MJ THE MUSICAL,' 'Mean Girls' in the UK, 'The Man Who Laughs,' 'Mata Hari,' and 'XCALIBUR' in Korea, as well as 'DEATH NOTE THE MUSICAL,' 'Musical IKIRU,' and 'Your Lie in April' in Japan. He has also provided music to notable figures like Akiko Yano.

独占インタビュー:世界を股に掛け活躍するエレクトロニック・ミュージック・デザイナー ヒロ・イイダ
独占インタビュー:世界を股に掛け活躍するエレクトロニック・ミュージック・デザイナー ヒロ・イイダ
April 12, 2024

ヒロ・イイダ:世界で活躍するエレクトロニック・ミュージック・デザイナーと呼ばれる、ミュージカルのサウンドをデザインする音作り職人。バークリー音楽大学卒業。2度のグラミー賞も受賞。主な代表作は、NYブロードウェイの『The Notebook THE MUSICAL(君に読む物語)』、『THE GREAT GATSBY』、『Kimberly Akimbo』、『Tootsie』、イギリスの『MJ THE MUSICAL』、『Mean Girls』、韓国の『The Man Who Laughs』、『Mata Hari』、『XCALIBUR』、日本では『デス・ノート THE MUSICAL』、『ミュージカル「生きる」』、『musical 四月は君の嘘』など。また、著名人では矢野顕子への楽曲提供歴などもある。

Review: THE BODYGUARD THE MUSICAL at Umeda Art Theater
Review: THE BODYGUARD THE MUSICAL at Umeda Art Theater
April 9, 2024

THE BODYGUARD THE MUSICAL : The worldwide smash hit film 'THE BODYGUARD,' starring Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston, is brought to the stage. May J., who participated in NHK's “Kohaku Uta Gassen(紅白歌合戦)”, portrays the singer Rachel, a role originally played by Whitney in the movie, alongside Seiko Niizuma in a double cast. The show features numerous hit songs, including the Grammy-winning 'I Will Always Love You' and the iconic 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody,' familiar from the movie. Ryohei Otani, known for his solid acting in films and dramas, takes on the role of the bodyguard protecting Rachel, delivering a grand romantic suspense musical adorned with well-known melodies. After the main performance, there's a showtime where the entire cast interacts with the audience, creating an electric atmosphere together.

April 9, 2024

ミュージカル『ボディガード』:ケビン·コスナーとホイットニー·ヒューストン主演の世界的大ヒット映画『ボディガード』を舞台化。映画でホイットニーが演じたシンガー、レイチェル役を紅白歌合戦にも出場したMay J.が新妻聖子とWキャストで演じる。グラミー賞受賞曲『I Will Always Love You』をはじめ、映画でもお馴染みの『I Wanna Dance with Somebody』などヒットソングの数々も披露。レイチェルを守るボディガード役には、確かな演技力で映画やドラマで活躍中の大谷亮平が出演し、誰もが知る名曲に彩られた壮大なロマンティック·サスペンス·ミュージカル。本編後には、キャスト全員とお客様が一体となって盛り上がれるショータイムも。

Interview: Ken Kojima of Ae! group directs 'COME VISIT! MINAMI LAUGHING STREET'
Interview: Ken Kojima of Ae! group directs 'COME VISIT! MINAMI LAUGHING STREET'
April 8, 2024

Ken Kojima: Leader of Ae! group, formed in 2019, affiliated with STARTO ENTERTAINMENT. The group is set to make their CD debut with '《A》BEGINNING' on May 15, 2024. Ken is actively engaged in various fields including movies, dramas, information and variety shows, and YouTube. Some of his notable works include the dramas 'Kaette Kitara Ippai. (帰ってきたらいっぱいして。)' (2023) and “Can’t Erase Her (消しゴムをくれた女子を好きになった。)' (2022). Additionally, as Ae! group, they regularly appear on 'Ae!!!!!! Iko (Aぇ!!!!!!ゐこ)' (MBS TV) as their own programs, “asapara - s (あさパラS)' (Yomiuri TV), and “Dodesuka! (ドデスカ!)' (Nagoya TV). Starting from May, they will embark on a debut tour covering 8 cities nationwide. In this interview, Ken discusses the comedy 'COME VISIT! MINAMI LAUGHING STREET,” (Click here to read Review: COME VISIT!…) held at the Shochiku Theater, where he served as director and featured a total of 43 Junior members.

March 25, 2024

​​​​​​​NAKED Sakura Festival: An art-centric entertainment “Hanami” cherry blossom viewing event where visitors can see, hear, experience, taste, and enjoy at Nijo-jo Castle with 300 cherry trees of 50 varieties. Produced by the creative company NAKED, INC., this event takes place at Nijo-jo Castle, one of Kyoto's premier cherry blossom spots. A cherry blossom festival unique to Nijo-jo Castle, featuring nighttime cherry blossom illuminations, cherry blossom projection mapping at the important cultural property, Karomon Gate, and digital art inspired by the Kano school's wall paintings adorning the national treasure, Ninomaru-goten Palace. Additionally, the Premium Plan allows guests to enjoy light snacks at one of Nijo-jo Castle's top cherry blossom spots while experiencing special performances such as sword fights and samurai hospitality shows, including commemorative photos with Shogun (general) Yoshinobu Tokugawa.

公演レポート:NAKED桜まつり 2024 世界遺産・二条城
公演レポート:NAKED桜まつり 2024 世界遺産・二条城
March 24, 2024

​​​​​​​NAKED桜まつり:50品種約300本もの桜が咲き誇る二条城で、観て、聞いて、体験して、食べて、飲んで楽しむアートなエンタメお花見。クリエイティブカンパニーNAKED, INC.(ネイキッド)がプロデュースの、京都でも有数の桜スポットである二条城で夜桜を楽しめる。夜桜ライトアップや重要文化財・唐門での桜のプロジェクションマッピング、国宝・二の丸御殿内を飾る狩野派の障壁画をモチーフとしたデジタルアートなど、二条城ならではの桜まつり。加えて、二条城屈指の桜スポットで軽食を楽しめるプレミアムプランでは、殺陣や侍のスペシャルおもてなしショーと、徳川慶喜との記念撮影も用意されている。

March 18, 2024

おいでよ!ミナミ笑店街:5月15日にCDデビューする​​​​​​​Aぇ! groupの小島健を作・演出に迎え、関西ジュニアの持ち味である「笑い」をメインにした喜劇。AmBitiousやBoys beら関西ジュニアのメンバーが、“ミナミ商店街”を舞台に繰り広げる珍道中が始まる。2月27日から3月31日まで大阪松竹座にて上演中。

Feature: Universal Studios Japan's 'Cool Japan 2024' Opening Ceremony
Feature: Universal Studios Japan's 'Cool Japan 2024' Opening Ceremony
March 18, 2024

The opening ceremony of 'Universal Cool Japan 2024' was held at Universal Studios Japan (USJ). Special guests including former competitive swimmer and Olympic gold medalist Kosuke Kosuke took the stage. They enthusiastically spoke about the charm of the event alongside representatives from explosively popular anime such as 'My Hero Academia,' 'Detective Conan,' and 'Monster Hunter.' Since 2015, 'Universal Cool Japan' has been delivering a one-of-a-kind beyond immersive and super real experience, where visitors can dive into the heart of beloved fictional worlds.

特集:USJ『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン 2024』オープニング・セレモニー
特集:USJ『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン 2024』オープニング・セレモニー
March 13, 2024

​​​​​​​ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJ)で、『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン 2024』のオープニングセレモニーが開催された。スペシャルゲストの元競泳選手五輪金メダリスト北島康介らが登壇。爆発的な人気を誇るアニメ『僕のヒーローアカデミア』をはじめ、『名探偵コナン』、『モンスターハンター』の担当者らとイベントの魅力を熱く語った。『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン』は、大人気作品の世界の真っただ中に入り込める、超衝撃的で超リアルな唯一無二の没入体感を2015年から毎年届けている。

Review: YOASOBI'S FIRST ZEPP TOUR! 'POP OUT” at Zepp Osaka Bayside
Review: YOASOBI'S FIRST ZEPP TOUR! 'POP OUT” at Zepp Osaka Bayside
March 9, 2024

YOASOBI: A unit consisting of composer Ayase and vocalist ikura, known for turning novels into music. Their debut song “Into the Night' reached an unprecedented 1 billion cumulative streaming plays, and their representative song “Idol,' the theme song for “【OSHI NO KO】” surpassed 500 million plays, setting a record as the fastest in history. From 2020, they consecutively appeared on NHK's “Kohaku Uta Gassen(紅白歌合戦)” for three years, and in 2023, they conducted an Asia tour in five countries. Their first solo tour in the U.S., scheduled for April this year, sold out immediately, resonating their name worldwide. Here, we bring you the atmosphere of the first day of the ZEPP tour in Osaka, which started in January. 

March 9, 2024


Feature: Universal Studios Japan's Detective Conan Mystery Restaurant
Feature: Universal Studios Japan's Detective Conan Mystery Restaurant
March 18, 2024

Detective Conan Mystery Restaurant : Universal Studios Japan's one of the popular events, 'Universal Cool Japan 2024.' You can enjoy the world of 'Detective Conan” and gourmet cuisine along with thrilling puzzles and dynamic actions performed by entertainers. 'Universal Cool Japan' is an immersive experience event featuring popular entertainment brands from Japan, boasting worldwide popularity. This year's 'Detective Conan Mystery Restaurant' features live violin performances, with popular characters like Heiji Hattori and Kazuha Toyama making appearances, providing an immersive and delightful dining experience. (“Detective Conan Mystery Restaurant” will be held until June 7th.)

特集: ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン '名探偵コナン・ミステリー・レストラン'
特集: ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン '名探偵コナン・ミステリー・レストラン'
March 6, 2024

名探偵コナン・ミステリー・レストラン:ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンの人気イベント『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン 2024』のひとつ。『名探偵コナン』の世界を謎解きやエンターテイナーによる大迫力のアクションとともに、美食を楽しむことが出来る。『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン』は世界的にも人気を誇る、日本発の大人気エンターテイメント・ブランドが集結する没入体験イベント。今年の『名探偵コナン・ミステリー・レストラン』はヴァイオリンの生演奏もあり、人気キャラクターの服部平次や遠山和葉らが登場し、没入感による最高の食体験が楽しめる。(6月7日まで開催予定)

March 18, 2024

Detective Conan: The Escape : Universal Studios Japan's one of popular events, 'Universal Cool Japan 2024.' It combines a live show linked to the Detective Conan movie and a real escape game. 'Universal Cool Japan' is an immersive experience event featuring popular entertainment brands from Japan, boasting worldwide popularity. This year's 'Detective Conan: The Escape' sees the return of the free-roaming style within the facility. Participants take on the intense challenge of solving mysteries alongside popular characters like Heiji Hattori and Kid the Phantom Thief. ('DETECTIVE CONAN: THE ESCAPE' will be held until June 30th.)

特集: ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン '名探偵コナン・ザ・エスケープ~100万ドルの序幕~'
特集: ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン '名探偵コナン・ザ・エスケープ~100万ドルの序幕~'
March 4, 2024

​​​​​​​名探偵コナン・ザ・エスケープ~100万ドルの序幕~:ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンの人気イベント『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン 2024』のアトラクションのひとつ。劇場版『名探偵コナン』と連動したライブショーを兼ねたリアル脱出ゲーム。『ユニバーサル・クールジャパン』は世界的にも人気を誇る、日本発の大人気エンターテイメント・ブランドが集結する没入体験イベント。今年の『名探偵コナン・ザ・エスケープ』は施設内を自由に駆け巡るスタイルが復活。人気キャラクターの服部平次や怪盗キッドと共に、参加者は緊迫の謎解きに挑む。(6月30日まで開催予定)

Review: COME VISIT! MINAMI LAUGHING STREET at Osaka Shochiku Theatre
Review: COME VISIT! MINAMI LAUGHING STREET at Osaka Shochiku Theatre
March 12, 2024

Come visit! Minami Laughing Street: A comedy directed and produced by Ken Kojima of Ae! group which has been expanding its presence in recent years. The main focus of the play is the 'laughter' characteristic of Kansai Juniors. Members of AmBitious and Boys be, and others from Kansai Juniors embark on a whimsical journey set in 'Minami Shopping Street.' The play is currently running from February 27th to March 31st at Osaka Shochiku Theatre.

Interview: Producer akane Makes AGT Finalist, avantgardey Go Viral
Interview: Producer akane Makes AGT Finalist, avantgardey Go Viral
February 16, 2024

akane: A choreographer representing Japan, renowned for 'Bubbly Dance.” That video, released on YouTube in 2017, has surpassed 100 million views. akane is versatile, contributing to various commercials and video supervisions.

February 16, 2024

akane: 日本を代表する”バブリーダンス”の振付師。2017年にYouTubeにて配信したその動画は、再生回数1億以上を更新中。各社CM振付や映像監修などでもマルチに活躍している。2022年に発足した、世界中で大バズり中のアバンギャルディのプロデューサー兼振付師としても活動し、同グループをアメリカの有名オーディション番組『America’s Got Talent』でファイナリストに導いた。今年1月にはアバンギャルディ1stワンマンライブを開催。

Interview: Saki Kawamura, from Roundabout Directors Group, Shining in New York
Interview: Saki Kawamura, from Roundabout Directors Group, Shining in New York
February 15, 2024

​​​​​​​Saki Kawamura : NYC-based theatre/film director originally from Japan. She has an MFA Directing from Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University. Saki is currently a member of Roundabout Directors Group and the Associate Artistic Director of RenGyoSoh, an award-winning butoh theatre company in NYC. Recent directing credit includes: “ICEBERG” (RenGyoSoh), “Everest” (Chain Theatre), “The Giving Tree” (Unfix NYC). Associate/Assistant credit includes: “The Cher Show” (National Tour), “Murder on the Orient Express” and “A Jolly Holiday: Celebrating Disney's Broadway Hits” (Paper Mill Playhouse), “JOY: A NEW MUSICAL” (George Street Playhouse) and “Mystic Pizza” (Ogunquit Playhouse).

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