The satirist has reached his legal retirement age of 65 in October 2012 and is therefore "officially" retired. But he steadfastly refuses to go into retirement. His indignation is unbroken, his scorn remains blank, and his anger smokes - he himself no longer. The joy of playing is stronger than ever, and igniting the spark jumps over to the audience. His opus 24 lives and evolves, it changes continuously and shows no signs of aging.
"Resetarits can not deny his almost 65 years. But he must not. For his fans expect no hyperventilating comedian, but rather a thoughtful, poignant acting comedians. And that's Resetarits aged even more. "
(Mathias Ziegler, Wiener Zeitung)
AND BEYOND ALL SING THE FORESTS (Stream of Live-Performance)
theater in medias res (4/1 - 4/1) | ||
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