Sea levels are rising politician - birthrates are declining - tired power - bees are dying - rescue street expands - doomsday called off!
Over 10,000 headlines rattle every year by the human brain. Most of the time you only still thinks: uff. I suspect the problem is the following: the Earth weighs 5,972 trillion tons. The brain 1.3 kilos. The world simply does not fit under a skull. It is time to put the brain on the head. What if negative thoughts would make dick? The Neanderthals before the Club would have invented the iPad? The idiots of all countries would have to establish their own country? A Union would have spoken at the pyramid construction? The grim reaper unexpectedly gives the spoon? These and many more thoughts impatiently waiting to be thought.
Klaus Eckel is dedicated to this time all the amazement and wonder.
AND BEYOND ALL SING THE FORESTS (Stream of Live-Performance)
theater in medias res (4/1 - 4/1) | ||
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